Monday, 18 July 2011

Teacher's Thanks - Check!

Another job on the list completed.  I found these gorgeous Moleskine Cahier books online and they are such lovely quality that I thought once decorated they would make a great teacher's thank you gift for the end of the school year. So here you go ....

I love these so much that I couldn't bear not to have one for myself.  The inside of the book is really lovely - they are lined on cream coloured soft paper.  Really great to write on.  I don't think I mentioned that I am a huge stationery fantatic!

So anyway, that's those off the list.  Also this weekend my partner cut out 110 tags for our wedding favours so next on the list is to decorate those!  I finished the last page of my sister's wedding book so now all I've got to do is the back cover and I can tick that off the list too!  Getting there, although there are still the kids packs to complete for the wedding and the table plan!  Arrrgghhh

Sherrie xx

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Time Machine Anyone?

Why is it that everything seems to happen all at once?  Not only have I still got lots of things to make for our wedding but now the school has decided it must have another holiday and, better still, I need to make teacher's gifts from the children. 

My son is starting 'big school' (although we're not allowed to call it that apparently) in September and there are so many things to organise for his new school but I also want to make sure we thank his teachers from his present school enough for giving him such a good start in his education. 

So this is the plan: buy kraft notebooks - as cheaply as possible - and decorate in a teachery kind of way! Hmmm.  Also make cards with the kids which means lots of mess whilst trying to keep my tools safe!  I love watching the kids crafting, especially as they love it so much, but I do have that little tingly worry that they'll break some of my lovely stash.  Bit selfish!

Hopefully - seeing as they break up next Tuesday - the books will have arrived soon so that I can start decorating them.  I'll post some pictures once they're looking lovely, I hope.

Sherrie xx

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Isabel's Frame

Here is my newest project, although I have to say the photos don't really do justice to it.  I absolutely loved doing this frame, especially as it was as a christening gift to our friend's daughter, Isabel. 

I loved the instantness of it.  There was no inking, cutting (apart from cardstock) or sewing.  Just adhesive and imagination.  It was unbelievably speedy to produce and the outcome is truly beautiful.

I used My Mind's Eye Lime Twist which I have to say is fabulous.  The products coordinate so well together with such a brilliant end product.   I am happy to say that Isabel's parents loved the frame and it will fit into her room perfectly. 

I have been trying to sit down to do another layout, however, what with wedding favours, kids packs and table plans to complete and my son soon to be attending secondary school there is not much time left over at the moment for eating chocolate!

Watch this space!

Sherrie xx