Friday, 27 April 2012

Blog Post Number Three!

Here I am on my third blog post of the week - hurrah!  Not to dwell on it too much (ahem!) but I am happy that I'm prioritising my time well this month.  Praise to all the Mum's out there who try to take on extra curricular activities - it's damn hard.  Oh yeah, and full time jobs.  What on earth has happened to this world when wanna be stay at home Mums are forced kicking and screaming into work?  I know which I'd choose but I also know that I'd probably go insane and will only be able to talk about cbeebies and eat homebaked cake for the rest of my life. 

This layout is not quite finished yet.  I have some dates to add to the little tag and I'm debating some ink splodges but can't quite make up my mind.  I am really pleased though with the way it turned out. 

We've got tons of decorating to do at the weekend so I can't see any scrap time or scrap enthusiasm (gonna be exhausted!) at all which isn't great as I've got thousands of New York photos!

Have a great weekend.

Sherrie x   

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha! Twice in one week - I said I would and here I am.  I have had such a great week this week getting lots done and feeling better for it. 

I had such a wonderful evening on Tuesday at my local crop club.  We recently lost our venue so one of the ladies very kindly offered her house as the new venue.  Now there is nothing I love better than seeing inside other people's houses!  I am so incredibly nosey and love to see how other people live.  Her house was really lovely.  Not much scrapping was done but I did get a page ready with all the papers and embellishments chosen.  I learnt a valuable tip too at the crop.  If you have all the items you intend to put on a page, use a plastic 12x12 bag (like the ones suppliers send papers to you in) to store it all in so you don't end up losing anything.  This is really handy for me as I often get layouts ready (i.e. choose the papers etc.) but are not ready to stick anything down to finalise it. With this system I could have a few layouts on the go at the same time.

Then last night I managed to almost finish the page and I am so happy with it so far.  It's my first layout of a New York photo and I am loving it.  The best thing that happened during this layout was that I had almost stuck down the background paper and then, as I was inking the edges, I noticed that I really liked the other side as it had a really good option for journalling!  So, after checking that it worked I whipped it over and stuck it down.  It's funny how you think you've got a layout all wrapped up and then you see something lurking around your desk or notice the other side of a paper and it can totally make a page pop.

Hopefully will get the layout finished tonight and get it on here for you tomorrow.  So that will be three blog posts this week!  Crikey, I think I need to sit down. 

Sherrie x

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

We're Back!

We've now been back from New York for two weeks and our feet haven't properly touched the ground.  We've been so busy that I have totally abandoned my blog and I am truly ashamed! 

However, I am happy that I've been able to do lots of other important things recently such as playing with the kids, reading and scrapping.  Scrapping is so much fun at the moment because, of course, I have lots of lovely photos of our amazing super duper honeymoon in New York. 

You cannot begin to imaging how fascinating this place is.  It is so busy and bustling and interesting.  There are always things going on and there is so much to explore that one week is simply not enough.  On a slightly downside, it is absolutely exhausting.  We saw so much of the City but we were very tired at the end of every day and slept like dogs.  We probably walked around 8 to 10 miles every day!  Here are a few photos:

So now back home and back to the all too familiar routine.  I have lots of layouts planned for my many many photos.  My husband took hundreds and hundreds of photos which got a tiny bit waring at times although now I appreciate it as I've got some amazing photos to use. 

Over and out for now but hopefully will be back on this week!

Sherrie x